Wednesday, January 9, 2013

How I fell in Love with Fabric

I will be sharing some of my favorite sewing tips and tricks here on Blogger, but before I start sharing all of my secrets, I want to share a little bit more about well... me.

I have been sewing since I was a wee girl, ok actually 7 or 8.  My Mom was a pretty good little seamstress herself.  She did the whole 4-H thing, as was quite popular back in the day.  I started making clothes and found I sort of had a "knack" for it and thus began my love affair with fabric and fashion. Well, all of that was like 40 plus years ago and needless to say... there is a whole lot of history between then and now -which I shall gladly spare you the agony of hearing and give you the really short version....

  • I have been cutting up fabric and sewing it back together for a ridiculously long time.  
  • I almost always draft my own patterns using some good old fashioned tools which I will gladly share with you later in my blog posts.
  • I Do Not have one of those new ritzy pattern making software programs - so all of my patterns (even the ones I will soon have for sale on Etsy - are drafted the old school way - by Hand... with a pencil.
  • I sort of have a "Thing" for stretch lace and other cool short cut materials that make projects fast and easy, but also give a cool fashion flare.            
  •  I am a "Details Junky"... basically, I like to add a little personality to my projects and I will share some of my favorites with you here on Blogger as well as through my patterns on Etsy.
And lastly... I am Thrilled if you want to make anything I show you for yourself or for re-sale... this is indeed why I am sharing them.   You don't need licenses or special permission to make and sell finished items made from my patterns or tutorials.  Please Create Away!!!   However..., I do ask that you...
  •  Please respect the Copy Rights as well as the loving efforts that are put into bringing tutorials and patterns to your computer screen - by not sharing or selling copyrighted patterns and tutorial materials.
  •   A courtesy link to my blog or Etsy store is always appreciated.
You can check out my Sewing Page for links to my Stitching Posts and Tutorials.

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