Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Its a Brand New Year

Wow, so we are already one week into a New Year.  New Years are always exciting because you basically get to start over again with a brand new list of thoughts and plans and ideas that may or may not become accomplishments, but I like to look at it this way... the list in itself is an accomplishment.  So, If I write one, I already did something awesome for the year. 

Anywho, last year, I fell a little off the blog wagon... again.  But I'm willing to give it another try.  I'm not very good about keeping my  resolutions, but one thing I would really like to make a part of my life is reading an actual book.  I'm not a big book reader, mostly because I would rather spend my leisure time staring at pictures of lovely things I want to make on Pinterest or making awesome stuff in my hugely messy sewing/ craft room or in fancier terms "My Studio".  None the less, I am committed to reading at least one book this year and I am going to start with this one... The Happiness Project (available at  Ps, I have no affiliation with Amazon, I just like buying stuff from there.) 

I like feeling Happy, it is something that is really important to me.  I'm sure there is going to be a lot of really awesome info in the Happiness Project book... but I fear it may take me a while to even crack open the cover.  So for anyone else out there who is kind of a not so avid reader... here is a cool post about little things that can make you feel Happier in this blog by The Golden Girl... and the real bonus... you only have to read one page.

 Can these 10 things help me feel Happier - Well I'm definitely sold on #1 - wearing lipstick.  I love lipstick! and it does make me feel Happy - check out the rest of these simple acts that can give you and maybe someone else a Happy New Year of smiles.


  1. Ahh I am so flattered! I'm so glad you liked my article and wanted to share it with your readers! You will love The Happiness Project, please let me know when you decide to crack open the cover.

    A follower of your blog now. I haven't used a sewing machine in years but I'm very inspired to start up again.

    Happy New Year :)



    1. Thanks Jess. I am going to try to become a better blogger this year. I have run across your blog posts several times on Pinterest. I love reading your posts because they are short on words and full of pictures. That's totally my style! :)
